Xguard - Protector 2024

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Sat Mar 02, 2024 3:36 pm
🛡️ Nume resursa: XGuard Protector
🛡️ Descriere: Xguard - Este o protectie pentru clientul de Counter-Strike 1.6, care va protejeaza clientul (kitul de cs), de fisiere nedorite ca: (cmd, vbs, trakerUI.dll, autoconect s.a.m.d)!
🛡️ Link de download V 2.1.3: Log in or register to see all links !
🛡️ Link de download V 2.1.2: Log in or register to see all links !
🛡️ Autor: th3fla - Log in or register to see all links !
🛡️ Imagini:
🛡️ Instalare: puneți toate fișierele în directorul în care este hl.exe


Comenzi administrative - (se dau in consola)

Code: Select all

"xg_engine_cmd" - <name | !all | !list> <address> <silent [0-1]>, add/remove or get the list of all commands
"xg_engine_cvar" - <name | !all | !list> <value> <flags> <silent [0-1]>, add/remove or get the list of all cvars
"xg_engine_alias" - <name | !all | !list> <value> <silent [0-1]>, add/remove or get the list of all aliases
"xg_say_team" - <message>, send a message with team color
"xg_say_green" - <message>, send a message with green color
"xg_say_output" - <format [0-1]> <output cmd>, set the command output for "xg_say_team" and "xg_say_words", format it like this: say "%c%s", %c = color, %s = msg
"xg_say_words" - <message>, send a message with a random color (green, yellow and team) after every word
"xg_execute_cmd" - <command>, execute a command using CBuf_AddText
"xg_server_cmd" - <unreliable [true | false]> <text>, send a command to the server
"xg_loop_cmd" - <command> <times [1-256]>, execute a command x amount of times
"xg_loop_sec" - <command | disable>, execute a command every second
"xg_printcolor" - <message> <r> <g> <b>, print a message in the console
"xg_load_library" - <filename>, load an dll using LoadLibraryA
"xg_fake_submit" - <forward [0 = disable | true = send | false = blocked]> <string [0 = empty]>, print in console a fake submit
"xg_show_stats" - print in the console all stats, use argument "reset" to reset the stats
"xg_show_offsets" - print in the console some offsets
"xg_show_settings" - print in the console all settings from "settings.ini"
"xg_player_info" - <userinfo | uniqueid>, get player userinfo or uniqueid in hex
"xg_emu_set" - <value [random | invalid = default]>, change the SteamID value
"xg_emu_check" - print in console the emulator name and SteamID value
"xg_emu_select" - <RevEmu | OldRevEmu | AVSMP | SteamEmu | Setti | SmartSteamEmu | random>, change the emulator, you need to set a custom SteamID to use it
"xg_call_address" - <address>, call a void function without parameters
"xg_traceplayer" - <userid | name | world> <output cmd> <arg>, execute in the console a command with player's name or userid
"xg_progressbar" - <true | false>, enable/disable the progress bad
"xg_sendpacket" - <true | false | toggle>, toggle dwSendpacket
"xg_disconnect" - <message>, disconnect with a custom reason
"xg_random_str" - <length [1-512]> <output cmd>, generate a random string
"xg_host_error" - <message>, trigger Host_Error function
"xg_sys_error" - <message>, trigger Sys_Error function
"xg_nick_changer" - <connect | spam | players | disable>, change the nick when you connect, spam or steal player's nicks
"xg_save_cfg" - save the config without exiting the cs
"xg_exec_cfg" - <silent [0-1]> <filename>, execute a config outside the cstrike or valve directory, the cfg can have any extension
"xg_unload" - <reload [0-1]> <delay>, unload the XGuard or reload it, after you unload it, you can safety delete the dll file and settings folder
"xg_weather" - <type: [-1 = auto | 0 = none | 1 = rain | 2 = snow]> <value: [0-5 = recommended]>, change the weather e.g: xg_weather 2 2
"xg_submit" - <text>, change the default "] " submit to another one
"xg_sky" - <skyname: [-1 = server decides]>, change the sky, you must reconnect
"xg_regen" - regenerate the settings folder
"xg_cache" - show the precached resources
"xg_show_motd" - <page>, show a motd

This commands will be available only if "Test Guard" it's enabled
"xg_test_push" - <commands | resources | noforwards | cvars | errors | hidefiles | forwards> <text>, insert a text into a vector
"xg_test_erase" - <commands | resources | noforwards | cvars | errors | hidefiles | forwards> <text>, erase a text from a vector
"xg_test_list" - <commands | resources | noforwards | cvars | errors | hidefiles | forwards>, print all items found in a vector
"xg_test_resource" - <text>, test a resource to see if XGuard blocks it
"xg_test_cmd" - <text>, test a command to see if XGuard blocks it
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