- Suntem foarte bucurosi sa va anuntam ca comunitatea WorldCs.Ro Romania va aduce tuturor serverelor de Counter-Strike 1.6 din intreaga lume cel mai nou AmxModx Plugin Compiler. Proiectul este deja in constructi si tot ce va putem oferi acum sunt doar cateva poze cum va arata acesta, iar despre functionalitea lui vom vorbi mai jos.
Compilerul este creat de la 0 iar acesta va include toate versiunile de AmxModx inclusiv cel mai noi 1.10, parte pe care nu o sa mai aveti erori cu compilarea pluginurilor. Pe langa asta compilerul va functiona in totalitate pe linux, asta insemnind o compilare foarte rapida si fara probleme.
Compilarea pluginurilor nu va mai fi de acum o problema. Veti putea folosi si pluginuri care contin fisiere .inc. Proiectul este in dezvoltare deja si speram sa fie gata in cateva zile. Va las mai jos cateva poze, iar pentru mai multe informatii despre acest proiect vom reveni cand cel care construieste acest compiler ne va spune mai multe. Va tinem la curent si speram sa va aduca un plus odata cu lansarea lui!
- We are very happy to announce that the WorldCs.Ro Romania community will bring the newest AmxModx Plugin Compiler to all Counter-Strike 1.6 servers around the world. The project is already under construction and all we can offer you now are just a few pictures of what it will look like, and we will talk about its functionality below.
The compiler is created from 0 and it will include all versions of AmxModx including the newest 1.10, part of which you will no longer have errors with the compilation of plugins. In addition, the compiler will work completely on linux, which means a very fast and trouble-free compilation.
Compiling plugins will no longer be a problem. You will also be able to use plugins that contain .inc files. The project is already in development and we hope it will be ready in a few days. I leave you some pictures below, and for more information about this project we will come back when the person who builds this compiler tells us more. We will keep you updated and we hope to bring you a plus once it is released!