Regulament server.

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Fri Dec 06, 2024 5:18 pm

I. Map Changes

Do not change the map without voting – Penalties start from verbal warnings.
You are obligated to consult with fellow admins before initiating a vote – Penalties start from verbal warnings.
A minimum of three maps must be put to vote – Penalties start from verbal warnings.
Maps listed under /maps (last 5 played) are excluded from voting (except between 01:00-10:00) – Penalties start from verbal warnings.
Between 01:00-10:00, admins must ensure server activity with maps appropriate to the number of players – Penalties start from verbal warnings.
During the night program (01:00-10:00):
Maps must remain classic until 04:00 (as long as an admin is present).
Afterward, de_dust2 must remain active until 11:00.
Map changes and time adjustments during this period are prohibited.
Violations: 3-day suspension up to REMOVE.
Voting is allowed only in the last 10 minutes of the current map. – Penalties start from verbal warnings.
After 23:00, AWP maps are excluded from voting – Penalties: access suspension.
II. Command Usage

No offensive language in public chat (say/say_team) – Penalties start from -1 rank.
Provide a reason when issuing bans – Penalties start from -1 rank.
After 01:00, do not kick AFK players unless a fellow admin needs access. – Penalties: verbal warning or suspension.
Rename players with inappropriate or unreadable nicknames to PRIME.WORLDCS.RO using amx_nick – Penalties: verbal warning.
Permanent bans must be documented along with evidence. Missing evidence or posts results in REMOVE.
III. Temporary Bans

Use amx_ban "name" "duration" "reason" for issuing temporary bans.
For offensive language, apply a gag (3–29 minutes). If the player retries, escalate to a ban (30–120 minutes). Non-compliance penalties start from 3-day suspension.
IV. Permanent Bans

Use STEAMID for permanent bans.
Command: amx_ban "name" "0" "reason".
All permanent bans require evidence (demo/screenshot) retained for 14 days. Missing evidence results in penalties starting from -1 rank.
Do not issue bans by IP class – Penalty: REMOVE.
Admins must ban players for:
Using cheats of any kind.
Repeat offenses from previously banned players.
Severe insults toward staff/server (ban permanent).
Admins can only execute bans if they collected (key word: primePrimeWCS) evidence themselves – Penalties start from -1 rank.
V. Nickname & Admin Chat Commands (amx_say)

Use only your assigned nickname to ensure recognition. – Penalties: 1–3 day suspension.
Do not use amx_say, csay, or tsay for personal purposes – Penalties start from verbal warning.
Limit amx_say to a maximum of 3 consecutive uses – Penalties start from verbal warning.
VI. Login Credentials

Sharing admin credentials (username/password/Steam) is strictly prohibited – Penalty: REMOVE.
Ensure your cfg file does not contain sensitive data (setinfo _pw).
Forgotten credentials? Contact a Founder for assistance.
Founders with FTP access: Do not share server/forum passwords – Penalty: REMOVE.
VII. Admin Activity

Admins must be active on the server and Forum.
Stay informed about server rules and plugins – Noncompliance penalties: verbal warning/suspension.
Admins must host evidence (e.g., Log in or register to see all links !) and assist players unable to upload. – Penalties start from verbal warning.
SysAdmin / Developer
C(#/++) | Amxx Scripter

Image Discord: kidd0x
Image GitHub: github.com/kidd0x